Monday, December 5, 2011

2. Visualization Manipulation!

IT'S EVERYWHERE! Remember when I said you're affected by subliminal messages every day? How often do YOU go on FACEBOOK?
*(i believe I've just proved my point with this picture...) Those sneaky tools!
The best part about all this freaky marketing is that creators and producers completely deny that anything subliminal is put into their products intentionally! Do you think it is? Is it possible that they show these hints that few can decipher,.. accidentally? Or is this some sort of 'Big Brother' scheme that they just don't want people to know about? (they're trying to control your mind! *Jokes*) The more i look into this, the more amazed I am that I never noticed before any of it was pointed out to me!
One would expect this kind of manipulation in adult directed product placement, and now we've seen examples of it in little kid movies. Readers, I swear to you now (perhaps it's obvious to some already) that; It. Doesn't. Stop. There. Subliminal messaging doesn't only manipulate you're mind in a sexual way, (such as the priest's 'thang' in Little Mermaid *see previus blog*) but it also tickles your hunger/thirst nerve, and even your ideological placement.How deep into our minds are marketers going to dig? In the future, will we basicly be being told what/how to think?! More on those topics in proceeding blogs. (*Dun dun dunnnn*)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

1. Original Ispiration

Subliminal Messages are everywhere you look. And whether you see them or not, they affect your subconscious thoughts and cravings.
This is also how Product Placement works; they display pictures or hints in movies or posters that you see in everyday life, and sometimes on a daily basis. As your eyes see the obvious display, your subconscious sees the hidden images behind and around it.
An obvious example is American Idol: Coca-Cola pays the judges to drink from Coke brand Cups on the show so that everyone watching at home subconsciously sees the word 'Coke', when their eyes and mind are actually focused on the judges speaking.(Bet some of you don't even remember seeing the cups, huh) Not only on t.v. today, it's even in childhood movies like original Disney cartoons!
This is the video that I found on Youtube a while ago that inspired my topic for this blog. It shows sexual subliminal messages in the most famous Disney Cartoon Movies. I have nothing against Disney, i just thought it pretty interesting that this kind of innuendo is in Cartoon Movies! For Children!
Check it out:

Crazy right!? Maybe you've seen it before? All i know is that it that it blew my mind that I never realized what i was watching all through my childhood! Pointed out, these examples seem pretty obvious, but no one has noticed them in the first 30times they watch these classics as children... MY MIND = BLOWN.